Horror Films In Hotlanta 2019
The Horror Films In Hotlanta 2019 event was a fun time that featured several local, US and International Horror Films in Atlanta. The best horror and horror comedy film line-up on the Film Festival Circuit for the year 2019 was on display.
Horror Films In Hotlanta 2019 Award Winners and Nominations
Best Cinematography Award Nominations
- The Conduit, Directed by John Hale (West Virginia)
- Mortem happens, Directed by Austin Janowsky (Florida)
- Jericho Road, Directed by Brian Petersen (Florida)
- Adam, Directed by Gemma Paul (United Kingdom)
- Fanatico, Directed by Hannah May Cumming (Oregon) - Winner!
Best Editing Award Nominations
- Boo, Directed by Rakefet Abergel (California)
- Willa, Directed by Corey Mayne (Canada)
- Ahead In The Road, Written by Walt Guthrie (Georgia)
- Llora Conmigo, Directed by Camilo Urdaneta (Florida)
- Family Practice, Directed by David A Bergen (Georgia) - Winner!
Best Experimental Horror Film Award Nominations
- Macungie, Directed by Brandon Taylor (Pennsylvania)
- The Long Wash, Directed by Perry Ruhland (California)
- Daydream, Directed by Richard Ramirez (Texas) - Winner!
Best Horror Comedy Film Award Nominations
- The Silent Stay, Directed by Christine Doyle (New Jersey)
- Wiped, Directed by Rohit Govardhanam (California)
- Shhhh, Directed by Mordechay Jonathan (Israel)
- Eat Rich, Directed by Ash Barker, Nevo Shinaar, Molly Pease (Illinois)
- Finley, Directed by J. Zachary Thurman (Georgia) - Winner!
Best Horror Film Award Nominations
- Doghouse, Directed by Heath Thompson (Texas)
- Ramona, Directed by Nicole Harris (California)
- Edge of the Woods, Directed by Phranque Wright (Illinois)
- Follow(h)er, Directed by Gippetto (Georgia)
- Affirmations, Directed by Brian (CARLOS) Diaz (Georgia) - Winner!
Best Micro Short Horror Film Award
- Succubi Scry directed by Derek Silver- Winner!
- Sleeprise, Directed by Ricky J Sylvester (New Hampshire)
- Rear View, Directed by Austin Faust (Tennessee)
- I'm Sorry, Directed by Gabriel Galand (Canada)
- Playing Games, Directed by Grim (Georgia)
Best International Horror Film Award Nominations
- Anonymous Psychos, Directed by Anaëlle Morf (Switzerland)
- "S", Directed by Juan José Patón (Spain)
- Burn, Directed by Judson Vaughan (United Kingdom)
- The Call, Directed by Alban Ravassard (France)
- Papa-Figo, Directed by Alex Reis (Brazil) - Winner!
Best Micro Short Horror Comedy Film Award Nominations
- The Squawking Dead, Directed by Richard Clabaugh (North Carolina)
- Ducko, Directed by Demitra Papadinis (Massachusetts)
- Horror Anonymous, Directed by Jim Harkins (New York)
- Old Mrs. Jenkins, Directed by Taryn Hough, Thomas Norman (California)
- Zombie Debt, Directed by Ash Blodgett (California) - Winner!
Best Feature Length Horror Screenplay Award Nominations
- Alabama Sun, Written by Katie Murphy (California)
- Sunshine State: Duende, Written by Kai Thorup (Georgia)
- Apollyon's Gold, Written by Robert J. Rogers (South Carolina)
- Rou Garou, Written by Jimmie Smith (Mississippi)
- Haven, Written by Jimmie Rogers, Autumn Rogers (Georgia) - Winner!
Best Horror Comedy Feature Length Screenplay Award Nominations
- The Meat Eaters, Written by Danny M. Howell (Virginia)
- Charlie Horowitz, Written by Dillon Fuhrman (Wisconsin)
- Porcelain, Written by Caleb Buntyn (Texas)
- Serial Killers Anonymous, Written by Robert Forsberg (California)
- My Dead Clown, Written by David Rousculp (Indiana) - Winner!
Best Horror Comedy Short Screenplay Award Nominations
- How Skin Face Got His Groove Back, Written by Ian Pozzebon (Canada)
- Adrift, Written by Stuart Creque (California)
- Seymour Crystal - The Worst Serial Killer on Earth, Written by Samuel Vogel-Seidenberg (California)
- The Finicky Cat, Written by Garin Pirnia (Kentucky) - Winner!
Best International Short Horror Screenplay Award Nominations
- In Town for a Bite, Written by Montgomery Burt (Canada) - Winner!
- Sofia's Eyes, Written by José Luis Anaya (Mexico)
- Can't Run, Can't Hide, Written by Rachel Brewer (United Kingdom)
Best Short Horror Screenplay Award Nominations
- Wet Rot, Written by Stuart Creque (California)
- Meat Scarecrow, Written by Joseph Breitman (New York)
- The Boneyard, Written by M.r. Fitzgerald (Minnesota)
- The Bunker, Written by Gregory Cusumano (California)
- One Bad Day, Written by Garrett Benningfield (Kentucky) - Winner!

Horror Films In Hotlanta 2019 Official Film Selections
- Adam, Directed by Carlos J. Ramirez (Oregon)
- Affirmations, Directed by Brian (CARLOS) Diaz (Georgia)
- After the Rain, Directed by BJ Verot (Canada)
- Ahead In The Road, Written by Walt Guthrie (Georgia)
- Anonymous Psychos, Directed by Anaëlle Morf (Switzerland)
- Bad Blood, Directed by Travis Darkow (Washington)
- Blue Blood, Directed by Lars Janssen (The Netherlands)
- Boo, Directed by Rakefet Abergel (California)
- Burn, Directed by Judson Vaughan (United Kingdom)
- Chickens, Directed by Brian Keith Montgomery Jr (California)
- Cole & Colette, Directed by Matt Boda (California)
- Count To Ten, Directed by Christian Sorensen (Montana)
- Date From Hell, Directed by Ven Scott (Texas)
- Daydream, Directed by Richard Ramirez (Texas)
- Daylight Savings, Directed by Kaylyn Bosh (Georgia)
- Death Hath No Hold On Me, Directed by Ricky J Payne (United Kingdom)
- Devil By His Side, Directed by Gissette Valentin (Georgia)
- Disposition, Directed by Eric Thirteen (California)
- Doghouse, Directed by Heath Thompson (Texas)
- Ducko, Directed by Demitra Papadinis (Massachusetts)
- Eat Rich, Directed by Ash Barker, Nevo Shinaar, Molly Pease (Illinois)
- Edge of the Woods, Directed by Phranque Wright (Illinois)
- Family Practice, Directed by David A Bergen (Georgia)
- Fanatico, Directed by Hannah May Cumming (Oregon)
- Finley, Directed by J. Zachary Thurman (Georgia)
- Follow(h)er, Directed by Gippetto (Georgia)
- For Summer, Directed by Jessie Kirby (Ireland)
- Adam, Directed by Gemma Paul (United Kingdom)
- Hecate, Directed by Paco Arasanz (Spain)
- Her Face, Directed by Ralph Blanchard (California)
- Here Comes Eddie, Directed by Christopher Schrack (Virginia)
- Horror Anonymous, Directed by Jim Harkins (New York)
- I'm Sorry, Directed by Gabriel Galand (Canada)
- If Only You Were Free (shorter), Directed by Gregory Cusumano (California)
- In A Better Place, Directed by E. D. Mead and Kimmie King (New York)
- It Crawled In Through The Window, Directed by Isaac Ruth (California)
- It's Not Your Car, Directed by Yaron Nativ & Jon Hodson (Florida)
- Jekyll Hyde Gray, Directed by Andrea Williams (Georgia)
- Jericho Road, Directed by Brian Petersen (Florida)
- Kim, Directed by Madeline Landry (Louisiana)
- Legend of the Bogeyman, Directed by Andrew Paterson (Oregon)
- Llora Conmigo, Directed by Camilo Urdaneta (Florida)
- Love, Directed by Justin Oakley (North Carolina)
- Macungie, Directed by Brandon Taylor (Pennsylvania)
- Maggie May, Directed by Mia'kate Russell (Australia)
- Mama, Directed by Matthew McGahren (Georgia)
- Meet You In The Parking Lot, Directed by David Sloan and Jordan Eakin (North Carolina)
- Messed Up, Directed by Lucé Tomlin-Brenner (California)
- Misdirection, Directed by Lucas Zarro (Hawaii)
- Morsitation, Directed by Michael J Smith (Australia)
- Mortem happens, Directed by Austin Janowsky (Florida)
- Murder House, Directed by Billy Chizmar, Richard Chizmar (Maryland)
- No Through Road, Directed by Tobias Ohlsson (Sweden)
- Old Mrs. Jenkins, Directed by Taryn Hough, Thomas Norman (California)
- One Piece, Written by Matthew McGahren (Georgia)
- Outro, Directed by Paul Bouvier (France)
- Papa-Figo, Directed by Alex Reis (Brazil)
- Patient Zero, Directed by Issa Currie (Texas)
- Playing Games, Directed by Grim (Georgia)
- Porcelain Stare, Directed by Robin Rippmann (Switzerland)
- Ramona, Directed by Nicole Harris (California)
- Rear View, Directed by Austin Faust (Tennessee)
- Repent, Directed by 歐崇安(Alan, OU) (Taiwan)
- Samantha, Directed by Sebastian Ponton (Canada)
- "S" Directed by Juan José Patón (Spain)
- Say Hello To The Man, Directed by Amy Baker (United Kingdom)
- Shhhh, Directed by Mordechay Jonathan (Israel)
- Sleeprise, Directed by Ricky J Sylvester (New Hampshire)
- Succubi Scry, Directed by Derek Silver (Virginia)
- Terrordactyl, Directed by E.K. Scarfone (Washington)
- The Call, Directed by Alban Ravassard (France)
- The Conduit, Directed by John Hale (West Virginia)
- The Crawling, Directed by M . (California)
- The Crisis Or Handshake It Off, Directed by Julian Tepfers (Czech Republic)
- The Desecrated, Directed by John Gray (New York)
- The Devil's Elbow, Directed by Clayton Brandon, Trey Brandon (Georgia)
- The Difference, Directed by YuBin Zheng (Canada)
- The Escape Room, Directed by Bessy Adut (California)
- The Finicky Cat Teaser Trailer, Directed by Garin Pirnia (Kentucky)
- the Fisherman, Directed by Rion Smith (Colorado)
- The Inside, Directed by Michael Tuthill (Maryland)
- The Light of Death, Directed by Dave Rajkumar (Georgia)
- The Long Wash, Directed by Perry Ruhland (California)
- The Man in the Mirror, Directed by Zack Burkett (Georgia)
- The Muffin Man, Directed by Ethan Blum (New York)
- The Silent Stay, Directed by Christine Doyle (New Jersey)
- The Smiling Strangers, Directed by Tom Bragg (New Jersey)
- The Squawking Dead, Directed by Richard Clabaugh (North Carolina)
- The Tattooist, Directed by Michael Wong (China)
- The Valley, Directed by Jordan Stavely, Cody Slice (Texas/Oklahoma)
- There's Nothing in the Shed, Directed by David Axe (South Carolina)
- Thirst Trap, Directed by Steve Flavin (California)
- Three In A Coffin, Directed by Eric L Hansen (Tennessee)
- Willa, Directed by Corey Mayne (Canada)
- Wiped, Directed by Rohit Govardhanam (California)
- Zombie Debt, Directed by Ash Blodgett (California)
Horror Films In Hotlanta 2019 Official Screenplay Selections
- Abandon, Written by Carmen Mosley (South Carolina)
- Adrift, Written by Stuart Creque (California)
- Alabama Sun, Written by Katie Murphy (California)
- Angel City, Written by Al Mertens (Oklahoma)
- Apollyon's Gold, Written by Robert J. Rogers (South Carolina)
- At The Mercy Of Faith - Version 4, Written by Samuel Taylor (California)
- Blink, Written by Will Buntin (Kansas)
- Can't Run, Can't Hide, Written by Rachel Brewer (United Kingdom)
- Cat Goddess, Written by Mark Jay Rosen (Washington)
- Charlie Horowitz, Written by Dillon Fuhrman (Wisconsin)
- Cult Crusade, Written by Samantha Bringas (Arizona)
- Dog, Written by Kelly Parks (California)
- Don't Run, Written by Kirsten Stoddart (United Kingdom)
- Evil Human Beings, Written by Chris Abaya (Virginia)
- Gwyneth, Written by Angela Sanner (Pennsylvania)
- Hamartia, Written by Ben Hoene (Illinois)
- Haven, Written by Jimmie Rogers, Autumn Rogers (Georgia)
- He's Waiting, Written by Rachel Brewer (United Kingdom)
- How Skin Face Got His Groove Back, Written by Ian Pozzebon (Canada)
- How to Like Your Babysitter, Written by Billy Rex McAfee (Pennsylvania)
- Hunger, Written by Michael Haddock (Washington)
- In Town for a Bite, Written by Montgomery Burt (Canada)
- Indian Chief, Written by Danielle Piper (Florida)
- Isle of the Misbegotten, Written by Kyle Hintz (Illinois)
- Loon Lake, Written by Abraham Archambault (Washington)
- Meat Scarecrow, Written by Joseph Breitman (New York)
- My Dead Clown, Written by David Rousculp (Indiana)
- Not Welcome, Written by Stephen Dunford (New York)
- One Bad Day, Written by Garrett Benningfield (Kentucky)
- Onion Witch, Written by Rob Herzog (Illinois)
- Porcelain, Written by Caleb Buntyn (Texas)
- Rou Garou, Written by Jimmie Smith (Mississippi)
- Serial Killers Anonymous, Written by Robert Forsberg (California)
- Seymour Crystal - The Worst Serial Killer on Earth, Written by Samuel Vogel-Seidenberg (California)
- Sofia's Eyes, Written by José Luis Anaya (Mexico)
- Sunshine State: Duende, Written by Kai Thorup (Georgia)
- Sydney's Slasher, Written by Matthew Sheather (Australia)
- The Boneyard, Written by M.r. Fitzgerald (Minnesota)
- The Bunker, Written by Gregory Cusumano (California)
- The Caregivers, Written by Mikeal Burgin (Iowa)
- The Finicky Cat, Written by Garin Pirnia (Kentucky)
- The Historic District, Written by Jodi Gab (Texas)
- The Last Zombie on Earth, Written by Samuel Vogel-Seidenberg (California)
- The Light Dares To Desert Me, Written by Eriah S. Howard, Gerald Johnson (California)
- The Meat Eaters, Written by Danny M. Howell (Virginia)
- The Mirror, Written by Juan Alvarez Castello (Venezuela)
- The Vision of Sara Lyle, Written by Leonard Varasano (New Jersey)
- Theodore, Written by Robert Cole (California)
- Visions, Written by Danny M. Howell (Virginia)
- Voodoo Zombies 4 Jesus, Written by Nathaniel Garcia (New York)
- Wet Rot, Written by Stuart Creque (California)
- When Darkness Falls, Written by Arturo Portillo (New Mexico)
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