"Stay Awake" Horror Films in Hotlanta 2017 Official Selection

Director Helena Karadimos' film "Stay Awake" has incredible visual effects by
Simon Grinde Drival and Kajmir Royale. Excellent visuals by cinematographer Yancey Wells. What really sells the film is the performance by Isabelle Haik. You don't want to miss this film at Horror Films in Hotlanta July 17, 2017.

Summary: "A vengeful darken spirit, goes by the name Alu. Possess, her victims in their sleep causing the victims to be complete paralysed. Helplessly they lay as she tortures them, with darken imagery. Alu is a demon from the underground. She roams through the night as she terrifies her victims whilst they sleep. She takes complete possession of their bodies, placing them into a paralysed state. The victim suffocates whilst she tries to drag them to the underworld to keep. Best to think twice about falling asleep, as she waits for you to sleep."
