"Mirror" Horror Films in Hotlanta 2017

"Mirror" Directed by Sara Eustáquio is official selection of Horror Films in Hotlanta 2017. An excellent performance by actress Jaimie Marchuk, Mirror is an absolute mind-trip. Sara, who is also the cinematographer, created some excellent visuals as well and her shot selection is perfect for this genre.

About: Micro short film directed by Portuguese multi-award winning Sara Eustáquio, 16, starring Canadian award winning young actress Jaimie Marchuk, 14. 'Mirror' is the final project of an intensive 3-Week HD filmmaking program at New York Film Academy, in NYC. The film was shot on location in Manhattan.

Tagline: She’s young. She’s in trouble. She’s staring at the mirror looking for answers. But what she's about to find can change her life."
